I was in Rome for 10 days (I'm originally from there), and I got to say: Rome is always beautiful but during summer time eve more.
Anyway I wasn't able to write my blog, so in order to update it, here there are some recent outfits I wore.
Hope you like them.
On this one I try to translate into my personal style the "sail away" post I published few weeks ago.
t-shirt: Moschino
skirt: vintage
necklace: Art Bia
sunglasses: vintage
hair accessory: made by myself
ArtBia is a very nice accessory shop in Perugia. The owner is a jewel maker from Brazil. All the items are her creation. This is one, which is one of my favourite, cause I love toys accessories, is made with huge plastic pearls and a huge rubber cow wearing a crystal necklace (I love the fantasy of it!!!)
The second one is very floral was perfect for a romantic summer night, eating on the terrace and then going for a walk having a icecream
Dress: H & M garden collection
shoes: Espadrilles
bag: Bershka
sunglasses: Zara I decided not to wear any accessory because the dress is already kind of full, just some very thin golden ring hearings which I don't remember from where they come from.
An other night we went out for an open-air dance show
Skirt: Antoniacci made in Italy
top: Benetton
foulard under it: Gucci
bag: Burkina Faso's bags
belt: vintage
shoes: Espadrilles
From Stylish-ville is all for now.
As my blog fellow Ady of Lookandthecity I would like to pubblish on my blog some outfits of yours (alone or with your girlfriends), since I know some of them are great, in order to present different styles, from different part of the world....the power of style must spread!!! ;)
You can send them (but please not just the dress, but you wearing the dress: you all are gorgeous) at styleyou.styleme@gmail.com. It will be fun!
Stay on styleyoustylemestylish.blogspot.com
Stay Stylish!

3 commenti:
belli questi outfit mi piace quello da marinaretta, così easy! baci
tu est très jolie, et j'adore ton look sur la deuxième et troisième photo, la robe H&M te vas vraiment très très bien.
Oooh I'm loving all the outfits! I'll try to remember to send a photo :p
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