She' s Anuscè, she is a lawyer in Washington, and a brilliant blogger too. Her blog is a journey into a healthy life. Click here to see how great it is and what a good writer she is.
This is the outfit for her 9th anniversary (can you imagine that?).
I like so much the idea of wearing leggings with high hills. It's very elegant but still not too pretentious. And the sparkling shirt is gorgeous.
Here are the details of what she wore:
Let me spend few words about clutches: I love them!!! And it's not so hard to bring them. It's like walking on hills: once you have learnt you would never go down!
I like the not-colour of the shoes and also the open toe+platform. They also seem confortable, perfect for a hands in hands walk after dinner. And the neutral, light and natural colour would make them perfect for a lot of clothes.
I bet she had a wonderful anniversary evening!
If you want some details, go and check Anuscè's blog: CIAO-CHOW
And if you want your outfit published on! just send me an email.
Stay on style-you
Stay on style-me
Stay Stylish!
7 commenti:
..oh , those shoes are amazing , and all outfit is really great , I love the colours , beige is my all time favorite ..
..want those shoes ..
..have a great weekend ..
Ellinelle xxx
Thanks, you too
A great outfit! I adore leggins, they're perfect with that shoes.
looovely blog ;)
that ring is from NewLook ..
Complimenti per questo outfit, carino e sobrio!! L'unica cosa che non mi piace è l'occhiello nelle scarpe ma quella purtroppo è una mia fissazione che mi devo far passare...ah e complimenti per il blog...molto ben fatto!!
Che bella la pochette! :D
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