Growing up we can put make up on, wear high heels and comb our hair, but we still remain those little girls wondering what the future will reserve.e
In aevery woman's eyes there is still a trace of the little girl she has been.
To all those little girls I send my deepest love and affection.
Stay a little girl
Stay naive
Stay Stylish!
7 commenti:
Love this..I miss being so carefree and whimsical!
Love these pictures, the look so sweet! The skirt is beautiful!
xx Paris
Che foto carine :) Ci seguiamo a vicenda?
ow my gosh, you look so cute :)
Love your site, we are following with bloglovin :)
love your belt, looks very vintage ! xoxo
love your outfit. :) very chic and pretty! :) following!
Love your skirt :)
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