


Since we came back from our amazing trip to the Big Apple we have become very fond of toasted bread.
And since we are back, we have to reconnect ourselves to our lives here,  I decided  therefore to cook a lot: cooking always gives me the sense of being at home. And which is the parfum that more than others can bring back home? For me it is the smell of home-made bread. So I dusted off my BM (bread machine) and I prepared this great multigrain flour bread

We ate it very quckly, so this is the only picture I was able to take.
• 360 ml of water• 2 sp extravergin oil.• 2 coffeespoon of salt • 1 csp of brown sugar • 400 gr of multi grain flour• 2 csp of yeast • poppy seeds
Add all the ingredients in the machine following the given order; select the program; push start.
And then find something else to do!

This is the diva's toast I made:

not a diva on diet...
Did all this help me reconnect myself with the fact of being at home? Honestly it did!
So I'm going keep on baking!

Stay flour dirty
Stay baking
Stay Stylish!

1 commento:

Ady ha detto...

voglio anch'io una macchina del tuo tramezzino lo sto mangiando con gli efetti è ora di cena...per le calze di pizzo hai provato al golden point? baci